Line up > Alexandre Callari

Alexandre Callari

Alexandre Callari is a writer, translator, YouTuber, and speaker, widely known as one of the co-founders of the channel/publisher Pipoca & Nanquim, alongside Bruno Zago and Daniel Lopes. He has been collecting comic books since childhood and currently owns a collection with more than 23,000 titles, having exhibited his rarest editions on several occasions. He began his career as an editor in 2011 when he worked for Mythos/Panini in Brazil, particularly on the DC Comics line.

He left Panini in March 2018 to focus on PN, which would go on to become one of the largest publishers in the country. As an author, he released the graphic novels Arena (2022) and Espelho Meu (2023), and the novel A Floresta das Árvores Retorcidas (2019), all published under the Original Pipoca & Nanquim label.

His previous works include the books Brincando de Escrever (Ed. Plêiade - 1999), Evolução é uma Opção (K2 - 2009), O Dilema da Desatenção (Editora Renata Jardini - 2010), Quadrinhos no Cinema Vol. 1, 2, and 3 (Ed. Évora - 2011, 2012, 2014), Apocalipse Zumbi - Os Primeiros Anos (Ed. Generale - 2011), Apocalipse Zumbi 2 - Inferno na Terra (Ed. Generale - 2013), and Apocalipse Zumbi 3 (Ed. Generale - 2017).