Line up > Thiago Romariz

Thiago Romariz


 12.05 (Thursday) | 12.06 (Friday) | 12.07 (Saturday) | 12.08 (Sunday)

Thiago Romariz is the creator of Chippu, an application that mixes artificial intelligence and human curation to provide tips on series and films, in addition to being a creator of pop culture content focusing on films, series and games. With years of experience in the industry, he was content director at Omelete Company where he participated in the creation of numerous company programs, in addition to the execution and creation of events such as CCXP and GameXP. He was elected one of Brazil's outstanding professionals by Linkedin TopVoice, was a TEDx speaker in Curitiba and served as global communications leader at fintech EBANX and Canadian startup Appnovation.