Line up > Jean Galvão

Jean Galvão


 12.04 (Wednesday) | 12.05 (Thursday) | 12.06 (Friday) | 12.07 (Saturday) | 12.08 (Sunday)

Jean Galvão: Acid humor and versatile talent! Cartoonist and illustrator, Jean Galvão (1972, Cruzeiro, SP) masters the art of graphic humor. Since the age of 16, he has dedicated himself to the visual arts, starting with union bulletins. In 1993, he emerged as a cartoonist at a newspaper in the interior of São Paulo. In 1999, his political cartoons conquered page 2 of "Folha de S. Paulo", where he remains to this day, insightfully satirizing events in the country and the world. His talent transcends cartoons and his cartoons have been published in magazines such as "Veja", "Superinteressante", "Runners World" and "National Geographic Kids" (USA), in addition to the magazine "Recreio" with its hilarious comic strips. Throughout his career, he accumulated awards, such as 1st place in the Piracicaba Humor Salon (2007) and the Vladimir Herzog Amnesty and Human Rights Award (1994, 1995 and 1997). Works such as the comic strips "Vó" (2020) and "Incrível Eu" (2019) demonstrate his versatility, winning over audiences of all ages. Jean Galvão is one of the main names in Brazilian graphic humor. His ability to address complex topics in a light and accessible way, without losing depth and critical impact, makes him stand out on the national and international scene.